Here There Are Blueberries is a production by Tectonic Theater Project, directed by Moisés Kaufman. The narrative is inspired by a mysterious album of Nazi-era photographs that arrived at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, revealing shocking truths surrounding these images and their implications on humanity. The show runs from April 5 to May 11, 2025, at the Roda Theatre in Berkeley, California. The performance will also include closed captioning and audio description on select dates. Additionally, there are special events such as educational workshops for families and post-show discussions facilitated by members of the artistic team.
Event WebsiteSan Francisco Ballet’s Meet the Artist pre-performance talks are back in the Opera House for the 2025 Repertory Season! Join us before Friday evening and Sunday matinee performances for an informative talk featuring dancers, choreographers, musicians, and other artists in conversation with a moderator. The interviews take place in the orchestra level 55 minutes before the performance starts. Open seating is in the orchestra level, but a performance ticket for that date is required to enter the Opera House to attend Meet the Artist interviews.
Manon delves into the clash between love and ambition through a tragic tale of desire and survival. An impoverished French woman struggles between genuine love and the lure of luxury, ultimately discovering that her quest for opulence leads to ruin. Sir Kenneth MacMillan's acclaimed work provides profound insights into human psychology and the destructive nature of desire. This influential ballet makes its Bay Area debut, presented with original sets and costumes from the Royal Ballet. Performances are set from January 24 to February 1, 2025, at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco.
Adapted from the best-selling novel, The Thing About Jellyfish is a visually stunning and deeply emotional coming-of-age story about love, loss, friendship, and the profound expansiveness of the human spirit. During the last week of summer vacation, 12-year-old Suzy Swanson learns that her best friend Franny has drowned. Desperate to make sense of Franny’s death, Suzy immerses herself in her imagination, where she can circumnavigate the globe, plunge into the terrifying depths of the ocean, explore the collapsed stars of the most distant galaxies, and perhaps even solve the mysteries of the universe.
Join us for a series of activation events at the Marin Theatre focusing on waste awareness and community engagement. The events kick off on Sunday, February 2nd, at 1 PM with a talk featuring Lance Gardner and Carey Perloff at Book Passage in Corte Madera. The following days will include various activities such as a lobby exhibition, conversation sessions with costume and scenic designers, and a pre-show panel with women’s reproductive health experts. Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with artists and discuss pressing issues within our community.