Join us for 'Dinosaur Improv' as we bring together a group of talented improvisers from the beloved Facebook Improv show. This event features renowned performers including Owen Burke, Chad Carter, Lisa Gilroy, Mary Holland, Rob Huebel, Phil Jackson, Jason Mantzoukas, Seth Morris, Paul Scheer, and Carl Tart. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy an evening of laughter and creativity at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre during SF Sketchfest!
Event WebsiteJoin us for a night of side-splitting improv comedy! Don't miss out on the hottest new improv show to hit the Mission. This event promises non-stop laughs and will take your suggestions to create on-the-fly hilarity—unplanned, unscripted, and unforgettable. The venue, Manny's, is committed to inclusivity and offers complimentary tickets for those in need. Participate in our 'Pay It Forward' ticket option to help support community members. Experience an evening that guarantees to be both enjoyable and representative of the diverse San Francisco audience.
Join comedian Andrew Santino for a night of laughter at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre. Known for his roles in FX's 'DAVE' and SHOWTIME's 'I'M DYING UP HERE', Santino has also gained prominence on his podcast 'BAD FRIENDS'. With a strong background in stand-up comedy and various television appearances, his shows promise a dynamic and entertaining experience. This event is part of his 'CHEESEBURGER' tour, commemorating his latest Netflix special released in 2023.
Vibe Check! is a comedy showcase filled with good vibes and LA & NY's hottest young comics - it has sold out all across the country. Come see the USA’s youngest, freshest, and chillest comedians who perform at the city's biggest clubs. Enjoy unique perspectives and inclusively clever commentary, along with laughs, giveaways, and a night of unforgettable jokes. Featured comedian Clay Horwitz has performed at notable venues and is known for his sharp stories and commentary on modern society.
Sheng Wang is a comedian, actor, and writer originally from Houston, TX. He is known for his Netflix special 'Sweet & Juicy,' released in September 2023, which was produced and directed by Ali Wong. He has also been featured on HBO’s '2 Dope Queens' special and has written for the ABC show 'Fresh Off the Boat.' While residing in Los Angeles, he enjoys exploring botanical gardens and discovering new snacks during his time off.